Possessions mean nothing

Daily writing prompt
What personal belongings do you hold most dear?

Hello everyone and happy Friday to you all! I can’t believe the weekend is here already. I feel like the week just began. It was funny yesterday morning my wife reminded me about the garbage and I was surprised that it was Thursday. (We have garbage pick up on Thursday.)

It was funny because the day before if you had seen my blog about the answer the day before I said I couldn’t believe it was already Wednesday and I explained how quickly time goes by when we get older. Anyway on to my answer for today.

So it took me all of 5 seconds to really think of an answer for this question today because really its something I have been talking about lately with my father and my wife.

In short my answer is… Nothing. I don’t have any “Prized possessions” or personal belongings. The reason for this is the way I grew up.

I remember one time when I was little, I had to be about 6 or 7 at the time, I was talking about this one toy that I loved so much and pretty much was addicted to the thing. I remember one day I was talking to my father about said item. The item in which I was holding proudly and holding with pride.

My father turned to me and asked me “Why does it mean so much to you?” I answered him talking more and more about the item in which I was holding. My father then asked me and told me as well “Do you think you can take that item with you when you leave this earth? It is just an item and it doesn’t mean as much as the time you have on this planet with people you love so that item should not be held above all”.

Now this is sort of how the conversation went but I threw some things in there because I can’t remember the exact conversation because I was 6 or 7 at the time. The words I do remember though are “The item can’t go with you when you leave this earth and go to the grave.”

I was brought up with much wisdom and much teachings and this was one of the prized teachings. It really put life into prospective for me.

Why did I care so much about that one toy? My dad was absolutely right. That item will bring me a bit of joy while I am here but the item can’t come with me when my body is returned to the dirt.

Now since growing up I have realized that items don’t mean very much to me. Don’t get me wrong I still take care of the items I have, but I don’t have so much pride towards them that they come before the people in my life.

My dad had thrown so much into prospective when I was younger and though to some people telling a 6 or 7 year old that may not be proper in some peoples eyes but guess what.. My dad was right.

Items and pride in our possessions cannot be overshadowing the people in our life that mean more to us than any material possession. Trust me my siblings who grew up with the same parents didn’t listen to those teachings and love, LOVE their possessions where as I don’t care about them. They bring me happiness but I don’t hold them “Dear to my heart”

“Pride goeth before a great fall” As they say and pride in your items will eventually do the same. I respect my items but they are all equal and I do not hold those items over the people that mean more to me.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend. If you are still at work I hope your day goes quicker and then the weekend is here for you.

This is Scott Dubois from Civic Edge Lifestyle signing off for another day.


One response to “Possessions mean nothing”

  1. Great response

    Liked by 1 person

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